Rihanna Icon Bouquet

Rihanna Icon Bouquet


The baddest gal from beauteous Barbados we’ve ever known, 👑 Rihanna!

This multi-platinum artist- philanthropist -business tycoon, lets her work & work ethic speak for itself. We’ve all been lifelong fans of her so we’re beyond excited to present this ethereal blend of tropical greens + fresh florals designed by another Queen, Miray ( aka Mia) at BlossomsAnytime.

This arraignment is sure to transport you to soft white sandy beaches surrounded by palm trees 🌴 

Rihanna Icon Bouquet includes:

🌟Purple mokara orchids

🌟Orangie pin cushion 

🌟Bird of paradise

🌟Queen protea 

🌟Pampas grass 

🌟Reflexed white tulips 

🌟Assorted mix of tropical greens 

🌟Engraved circular Rihanna keepsake (magnet or bouquet-pick)

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