Meet The Florist


Miray aka: "Mia"

If you’ve received a bouquet from Blossoms Anytime in the past 3 years, then you’ve met the magic behind the stems, Miray Kurtulus. Also known by her regulars as, Mia. And for countless lovers of her flower arrangements, she is known as, “your favorite florist”. 

We (BCo Crew) are the lucky ones who get to work, play + create with her on a daily and it’s time for the rest of the world to learn + love her just as much as we all do! Without further adieu, meet the florist, Miray. Keep reading to hear Miray’s story and how her journey filled with milestones has unfolded into the present...

BCo Crew: Who are you and where are we? 

Miray: We are in B Collective and I am Miray Kurtulus. Born and raised in Chicago, north side. I’m a professional florist who’s been in the industry for over 15 years. 

BCo Crew: What is the story behind your journey of how you got to where you are today? 

Miray: It all began when I was working as a cashier at Jewel. Shortly after I started I was asked to be a “suggestive seller” in the Floral Department for Valentine’s Day. My love for the beauty of flowers and connecting with people through those flowers were loudly evident and my Manager loved that about me. She saw a lot of potential in me so she took me under her wings and I began working for her in the Flower Department. It all happened so fast. The next thing I know, I’m sitting in class getting certified to be a professional florist at The School of Floral Design, all sponsored by Jewel. 

BCo Crew: To obtain your certification, what did the “test” consist of? 

Miray: The test and exams were intense. They gave us two hours to complete 7 recipes of different arrangements and had to make sure they were all done within the given time frame.

BCo Crew: Once you got your certificate, what did your journey look like? 

Miray: Once I got my certificate I spent the next 9 years working as Manager of the Floral department at Jewel. Within that time I also taught classes at their Corporate offices + eventually explored the Bakery Department for a year. That was around the time that I really wanted to venture more into weddings. 

Which lead me to work with Flowers for Dreams part-time where I was apart of the team that initiated their Wedding Department. I eventually parted ways with Jewel and dove in full time with Flowers For Dreams. I appreciate my time at FFD because I learned so much. It really took my skills to the next level and I’m very grateful for that. After FFD I embarked upon a new chapter working at a floral wholesaler market. This is where I learned in more detail about where and how flowers are sourced and opened my world to a plethora of flowers from all around the world. Fast forward to 2018 came the opportunity that changed my life, Blossoms Anytime.

BCo Crew: When did you take over ownership of Blossoms Anytime? 

Miray: a week before Mothers Day 2018. Oh, what a time! 

BCo Crew: What do you want people to know about Blossoms Anytime? 

Miray: Blossoms Anytime provides high-quality fresh flowers for daily arrangements, weddings, and special events. Overall, we’re your favorite florist. If you need flowers, Blossoms Anytime can provide. (Insert huge smile here.)

BCo Crew: What a journey. Truly inspirational!! From all the amazing teachers, mentors, and leaders that you’ve had along the way, what would you say is the best advice you were given and why? 

Miray: One of my instructors once told me that “it’s not about presentation- it’s about the meaning behind the bouquet itself.” That stuck with me...forever + till’ this day. It’s become the foundation of how I create + design my arrangements. Going the extra step to ask more questions and really listen to people’s answers and body language helps guide me in creating/designing a floral arrangement that brings out pure honest emotion- happiness, sometimes tears of joy. So if there is any advice that I would pass on, it would always go the extra mile for your guest/customer. That little bit of kindness goes a long way.  


Nancy Aguilera